Install with:
$ mantrad download-component oldfilesremover@1.0.0
Or install last version with:
$ mantrad download-component oldfilesremover
oldfilesremover Mantra component
This component removed files from a folder older than x seconds.
It also can run a "deep remove", this is, scans all nested folders as well and remove them if they are empty.
API exposed by oldfilesremoved
async Mantra.api.oldfilesremover.remove( Mantra, options )
Removes all files inside a folder according to options indicated as parameter.
- Mantra: Mantra API object instance.
- options: object with the following properties:
- path: <full path to files to check>,
- seconds: <seconds old of files to be removed>
If anything goes wrong during the removing process, then an exception is thrown.
await Mantra.api.oldfilesremover.remove( { path: "/etc/tmp/myapptemp", seconds: 100 });
Removes all files inside "/etc/tmp/myapptemp" older than 100 seconds.
async Mantra.api.oldfilesremover.deepremove( Mantra, options )
The same ahdn remove method but scans all folders and subfolder nested and check old files. If a folder completes with no files, then it is removed as well.