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With Mantra.GetAssetsLocations(), you get an object with methods to locate where components assets (views, blocks, etc) are located in the project.


async existsView( viewName )

Returns true if a view exists.

viewName is in the format [component name].[view name].


async GetAsset( folders, asset, extension)

Get an asset location checking if exists. This method is very important to give the ability to components to override assets definitions (html, js, css, etc.) in a specific project.


  • folders: array with the locations to look for. GetAsset() will look within them in the order indicated in the array. It returns the first coincidence. It considers the following key strings:
    • "component": will look inside the component folder.
    • "templates": Will look inside the component templates folder (/component/ui/templates)
    • "frontendtemplates": Will look inside the UI templates folder of the application UI: /ui/templates

If none of those key values are indicated, then assumes "component" as default.

  • asset: asset in the format "<component name>.<asset name>"
  • extension: extension of the asset

Returns an object with the result:

    "exists": <true | false>,
    "fullpath": "<full path to asset if exists, including asset file name an extension>",
    "relativepath": "<relative path to the asset>"

This method is useful if a component defines its own assets that can define or be overriden by other components.

Some examples:

const asset = await Mantra.GetAssetsLocations().GetAsset( ["forms", "ui/forms"], "users.showlogin", "form.json" );

In this example:

  • "["forms", "ui/forms"]", indicates to look for inside "/users/forms" and "/users/ui/forms" folders.
  • "users.showlogin", indicates the the asset to look for is defined by "users" component and the name of the file is "showlogin"
  • "form.json" is the extension of the file to look for, this is, "showlogin.form.json"

By this, GetAssets() will look for:

  • /users/forms/showlogin.form.json, if not, the tryies:
  • /users/ui/forms/showlogin.form.json

Another example:

const asset = await Mantra.GetAssetsLocations().GetAsset( ["frontendtemplates.blocks"], "cookieswarning.ckblock", "html" );

In this example:

  • "["frontendtemplates.blocks"]", indicates to look for inside "/ui/templates/block" folder of the application UI.
  • "cookieswarning.ckblock", indicates that the asset to look for is defined by the component "cookieswarning" and the name of the file is "ckblock".
  • "html" is the extension, so the file to look for is "ckblock.html".

This call will get the location of an html asset that should be placed at: "/ui/templates/blocks/cookieswarning/ckblok.html".

Note: because the process to look up assets can be intensive, Mantra caches them to improve performance.

With this, a component can expect that some kind of asset (html, css, js and so on files), should be overriden specifically by others components.


async GetBlockLocation( componentName, blockName )

Returns the relative path to a block given its component and block name.


async GetCssLocation( componentName, fileName )

Returns the relative path to a css file given its component and file name.


async GetFullCssLocation( componentName, fileName )

Returns the absolute path to a css file given its component and file name.


async GetFullJsLocation( componentName, fileName )

Returns the absolute path to a js file given its component and file name.


async GetJsLocation( componentName, fileName )

Returns the relative path to a js file given its component and file name.


GetSchemaLocation( componentName, schemaName )

Returns the relative path to the schema model given its component and schema name.


async GetTemplateLocation( componentName, templateName )

Returns the relative path to a template file its component and template name.


async GetViewLocation( componentName, viewName )

Returns the relative path to a view its component and view name.

To learn by example, go to Mantra demos and components sections of Mantra site.