Mantra official documentation

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Component Events Definition

Mantra implements a a publisher/subscriber events model.

This is a design pattern extremely useful to decouple components behaviour.

Mantra Development Paradigm expects you to implement high level functionality using events orchestration.

The way to define an event subscriber function handler is using the hook Event:

Mantra.Hooks("[component name"])
        EventName: "[name of the event]",
        EventHandler: [handler for the event]

Let's see an example:

const AnalyticsEventHandlers = require("./analyticseventhandlers.js");

        EventName: "system.cleanup",
        EventHandler: AnalyticsEventHandlers.SystemCleanup

This is definition, when "sytem.cleanup" event is launched, then AnalyticsEventHandlers.SystemCleanup function is called.

Brief method to subscribe to events

Similary to views, blocks and other Mantra assets, you can define the subscription to events in a Node.js module within any component with the name of "event.[component name].js" that should be located at "/controllers" component folder, like this:

module.exports = {
    users_removed: async (eventData) => {
        const Mantra = eventData.MantraAPI;
        // ...

Due to "." is not allowed in json property names, Mantra replace "_" by "-" when registering an event subscribing in this way, so in the example, the component is subscribed to "users.removed" event.

Alternatively, you can set directly the name of the event as the string name of the function handler:

module.exports = {
    "users.removed": async (eventData) => {
        const Mantra = eventData.MantraAPI;

        // ...

Emitting an event

To emit an event, any component can call the API MantraAPI.EmitEvent method.

The first parameter is the name of the event, the second one is a json object to be send to the event subscribers, like this example:

await Mantra.EmitEvent( 'users-removed', { userToRemove: userId } );

Function handler for the event subscription

The prototype for the function event handler is like this:

async (eventData) => {
    const MantraAPI = eventData.MantraAPI;

eventData is the json object used when emitting the event.

As indicated above, the property eventData.MantraAPI contains the Mantra API object instance.

Important notes about events in Mantra

In current Mantra version:

  • When there exist more than one event subscriber, Mantra doesn't call their function handlers in any specific order.
  • Events are useful to orchestrate high level functionality by "orchestration" components.
  • If the function handler for an event crashes, Mantra catch the error, log it the continues calling to the rest of subscribers.

To learn by example, go to Mantra demos and components sections of Mantra site.