Mantra official documentation
Anatomy of a Mantra Project
A Mantra project is located in a folder with the following assets:
- Folders containing Mantra components (defined in mantraconfig.json file configuration).
- Folders containing frontend (one or more), located at "/ui" folder with all its stuff.
- mantraconfig.json file with project and applications properties.
A single project can define one or more related applications, according to mantraconfig.json properties.
Mantra looks up that file to start one of the applications with startapp command, such as:
$ mantrad startapp myapp
Any Mantra project can contain any number of frontends and components.
As an example:
`-- components
`-- component-a
|-- component-a.js
|-- mantra.json
`-- component-b
|-- component-b.js
|-- mantra.json
`-- ui
`-- frontend
|-- 404.html
|-- browserconfig.xml
|-- css
| |-- main.css
|-- favicon.ico
|-- index.html
|-- js
| |-- main.js
|-- mantraconfig.json
To learn by example, go to Mantra demos and components sections of Mantra site.