Mantra official documentation
Mantra Hello World
Mantra has a number of commands to create new projects and components.
To create a new project as an example, run "new-project" command:
$ mantrad new-project
Follow the instruccions:
27-04-2021 12:11:26 - New project with Mantra version: 1.2.0
Project name: helloworldmantra
Project app name: coreapp
Select database provider
1) MySql flavours
2) Sqlite3
Select provider: 2
Database name: mantradb
Select project type
1) Microservices (API REST)
2) HTML 5 boilerplate 8.0.0
3) Bare (Bootstrap 4 Starter Template)
4) HTML5UP - Twenty
Select project type: 4
27-02-2022 12:11:57 - Mantra project created with success
27-02-2022 12:11:57 - To complete installation, run:
27-02-2022 12:11:57 - $ cd helloworldmantra && mantra install
Locate at the folder of the project and install core components:
$ cd helloworldmantra && mantra install
Select YES to install Mantra:
You are about to install Mantra application
Install Mantra Framework and its components [Y]/N? Y
27-04-2021 12:13:29 - Removing existing database (if any)...
27-04-2021 12:13:29 - Creating Mantra Framework schema...
27-04-2021 12:13:29 - Creating default values
27-04-2021 12:13:29 - Database and Mantra Framework schema created
27-04-2021 12:13:29 - Installing core components
27-04-2021 12:13:29 - Installing "core"
27-04-2021 12:13:29 - Installing "static"
27-04-2021 12:13:29 - Installing "scheduler"
27-04-2021 12:13:29 - Installing "logs"
27-04-2021 12:13:29 - Installing "corecommands"
27-04-2021 12:13:29 - Installing site components
Mantra application installed with success
Run apps with:
$ mantrad startapp coreapp
Finally, run the application defined in the steps above with the command "startapp":
$ mantrad startapp coreapp
Then you get:
27-04-2021 12:14:49 - Starting Mantra App 1.0.15
27-04-2021 12:14:50 - Loading components...
27-04-2021 12:14:50 - 5 components loaded
27-04-2021 12:14:50 - Starting components...
27-04-2021 12:14:50 - Components started
27-04-2021 12:14:50 - Service: activating middleware...
27-04-2021 12:14:50 - Service: activating view...
27-04-2021 12:14:50 - Service: activating get...
27-04-2021 12:14:50 - Service: activating post...
27-04-2021 12:14:50 - Mantra "coreapp" application started
27-04-2021 12:14:50 - App server running & listening at port 8080
Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8080
Here it is! Your first Mantra project in a few steps.
Basic intro to Mantra with this "hello world" project
In the next sections you have detailed descriptions about a Mantra project, its architecture based on microkernel pattern, components, multiple UI, multi components data repository, hooks, templates and a lot of more stuff.
In the above example, we have built a simple project based on the free TWENTY HTML5 template with this files structure:
├── components
├── mantraconfig.json
├── mantradb.db
└── ui
└── frontend
├── assets
│ ├── css
│ ├── js
│ ├── sass
│ └── webfonts
├── contact.html
├── images
├── index.html
├── left-sidebar.html
├── LICENSE.txt
├── no-sidebar.html
├── README.txt
└── right-sidebar.html
- You have created an application with the name "coreapp" within the project (you can have multiple related applications in the same project).
- mantraconfig.json describes the main properties of the project.
- "components" folder will contain all components.
- "mantradb.db" file is the Sqlite database choosen in the steps above.
- "ui" folder will contain all frontends assets (the same project can contain a number of frontends for different purposes within it).
Adding your first Mantra component
Now, let's create the base of a new component inside this project using the command "new-component":
$ mantrad new-component
Will ask you the name for the component:
27-04-2021 12:24:30 - Loading components...
27-04-2021 12:24:30 - 5 components loaded
27-04-2021 12:24:30 - Starting components...
27-04-2021 12:24:30 - Components started
New component name: myfirstcomponent
Description: First component for Hello World Mantra project
Component 'myfirstcomponent 'created!
To install new component, run: $ mantrad install-component myfirstcomponent
Now, you should install the component and enable it:
$ mantrad install-component myfirstcomponent
Then you have:
27-04-2021 12:26:24 - Loading components...
27-04-2021 12:26:24 - 5 components loaded
27-04-2021 12:26:24 - Starting components...
27-04-2021 12:26:24 - Components started
Install component myfirstcomponent [Y]/N? Y
27-04-2021 12:26:26 - Component installed with success
Finally, you must enable the component with "enable-component command":
$ mantrad enable-component myfirstcomponent
Then you got:
27-04-2021 12:27:16 - Loading components...
27-04-2021 12:27:16 - 5 components loaded
27-04-2021 12:27:16 - Starting components...
27-04-2021 12:27:16 - Components started
Enable component myfirstcomponent [Y]/N? Y
27-04-2021 12:27:17 - Component enabled with success
If you look now at the project structure, you'll see the new component folder:
├── components
│ └── myfirstcomponent
│ ├── controllers
│ │ ├── api.myfirstcomponent.js
│ │ ├── block.myfirstcomponent.js
│ │ ├── cron.myfirstcomponent.js
│ │ ├── event.myfirstcomponent.js
│ │ ├── middleware.myfirstcomponent.js
│ │ ├── post.myfirstcomponent.js
│ │ ├── prerequest.myfirstcomponent.js
│ │ └── view.myfirstcomponent.js
│ ├── model
│ │ ├── dal.myfirstcomponent.js
│ │ └── myfirstcomponent.schema.json
│ └── ui
│ | ├── blocks
│ | │ └── defaultblock.html
│ | └── views
│ | └── defaultview.html
│ ├── myfirstcomponent.js
│ └── mantra.json
├── mantraconfig.json
├── mantradb.db
└── ui
└── frontend
├── assets
│ ├── css
│ ├── js
│ ├── sass
│ └── webfonts
├── contact.html
├── images
├── index.html
├── left-sidebar.html
├── LICENSE.txt
├── no-sidebar.html
├── README.txt
└── right-sidebar.html
There's a lot stuff there described in this documentation.
For the moment, open "/components/myfirstcomponent/myfirstcomponent.js" have a look to the basic design of a Mantra component.
"use strict";
class myfirstcomponentStarter {
async onStart(Mantra) {
console.log('New component myfirstcomponent installed!');
class myfirstcomponentInstallation {
async onInstall(Mantra) {}
async onUninstall(Mantra) {}
async onInitialize(Mantra) {}
async onUpdate(Mantra, currentVersion, versionToUpdate) {}
module.exports = () => {
return {
Start: new myfirstcomponentStarter(),
Install: new myfirstcomponentInstallation()
As you'll learn later in this documentation, most of these properties are optional.
To learn by example, go to Mantra demos and components sections of Mantra site.